The Village of Portomarin
Portomarin was constructed beside a Roman bridge crossing over the Miño River (which was rebuilt in Middle Ages) and developed thanks to the influence of the Camino de Santiago (St. James’ Way). When the Belesar dam was built in 1962, the old village was moved to the neighboring Monte do Cristo. And there some of the most relevant buildings were reconstructed, both civilian and sacred, particularly Saint Nicolas Church —of Romanesque style and built by the Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem— whose stones were numbered before being reassembled in its current location. Its privileged location offers a mild climate and varied vegetation, and it belongs to Lugo’s Ribeira Sacra, a land of renowned wines.

Must-see places
Portomarin was declared a Historic-Artistic Site in 1946. It is also one of the 47 Galician municipalities that have been awarded the status of “Galician Tourist Municipality” by the Xunta de Galicia.

CASTRO DE CASTROMAIOR: One of the most important archaeological sites from the Iron Age in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, inhabited from the 4th century B.C. to the 1st century A.D. with an area of more than four hectares, distributed in six fortified enclosures.

Local gastronomy
“AUGARDIENTE” (EAU-DE-VIE): Every year, for almost 50 years, a festival has been dedicated to it every Easter Sunday. This festivity is a well-deserved tribute to those who for decades traditionally distilled this liquor, which was already made in the old settlement of the town, nowadays under the waters of the Miño River.

CRISTO DAS VITORIAS Masses are celebrated in honour of the Saint, after which there is a vermouth session where you can enjoy music in a festive atmosphere suitable for companies, family or friends. Throughout the day, there are several activities and amusements for children, as well as sparrow watching. In the evening you can make the most of this lively festival, ideal for locals and visitors alike.
Iglesia de San Nicolás
Fue trasladada piedra a piedra hasta su ubicación actual cuando los dos barrios que formaban el primitivo Portomarín (San Juan y San Pedro) quedaron inundados.
Pazo del General Paredes
También se la llama ‘Casa del Conde de Maza’ o ‘Casa Grande de Arriba’. Se mandó construir en el s. XVI por el Capitán D. Gregorio de Villa e Castelo, su primer propietario.
Pazo de Berbetoros
También conocido como ‘Casa da
Marquesa’, es uno de los principales referentes históricos junto con la iglesia de San Nicolás y San Pedro.
Escalinata y Capela das Neves
Se construyó con ayuda del antiguo puente medieval (situado en uno de sus arcos) y sobre uno de ellos se construyó una pequeña capilla dedicada a la Virgen de las Nieves, y a la que el pueblo profesaba especial devoción, invocándola para pedir para protegerse contra las desgracias que el río podría traer.
Aquí podremos encontrar paneles con información sobre la historia de Portomarín, así como disfrutar de las maravillosas vistas del pueblo.
Al tocar la «Campana de la Libertad», los romeros prometen visitar «O Fuciño do Porco» en «O Vicedo».